Friday, September 24, 2010

Teen Drinking Notes Article 2

Clark, Charles S. "Underage Drinking." CQ Researcher. 13 Mar 1992: 219+. SIRS         
           Researcher. Web. 24 Sep 2010.

              “It is a common belief--among adults as well as teenagers-- that alcohol is an aphrodisiac.”
·         “Physiologically, experts note, drinking has the opposite effect, though psychologically it clearly helps loosen inhibitions.
·         Teens with parents who drink excessively are more likely to drink than teens whose parents don’t.
·         “In a survey conducted for the surgeon general's office last year”
·         “41 percent of the young people polled said they drank when they were upset”
·         “25 percent drank because they were bored and 25 percent drank to feel high.” (1991)
·         Teens drink to deal with problems, relieve stress, and eliminate the pressure from peers.
·             “ Schoolmates and friends drinking: 70% 
     Parents drinking: 48% 
     A desire to be grown up: 29% 
     Brothers, sisters and other relatives drinking: 14% 
     Seeing people drink on TV programs: 12% 
     A desire for prestige: 10% 
     Advertising of alcoholic beverages: 8% 
     Don't know: 2% 

     Source: The Roper Organization, 1990
·         When they raised the drinking age to 21 many there were a lot less deaths from DUI.
·         Most people commonly think that teens drink because of what they see on TV.
·         But really most teens drink because of peer pressure, and seeing parents drink is the most common.

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