Friday, September 24, 2010

Article 1 Notes

O'Connell, Mary Ellen. "Underage drinking." Issues in Science and Technology 21.2      
           (2005): 82+. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 15 Sept. 2010.

·         Car crashes are the most noticed death from teen drinking.
·         Drinking at a young age threaten teens long term development and heath.
·         One third of traffic tragedies is with teens is associated with alcohol.
·         “The social cost of underage drinking has been estimated at $53 billion including $19 billion from traffic crashes and $29 billion from violent crime.”
·         Heavy alcohol use leads to brain damage.
·         Drinking is more popular with teens then smoking and illegal drugs.
·         “More girls than boys begin drinking at a very early age, and although the boys soon catch up, the number of girls who drink—and drink heavily—is close to the number of boys.”
·         White teens are more likely to drink then African American or Hispanic people. 
·         “Underage alcohol use is also associated with violence, suicide, educational failure, and other behavior problems.”
·         The problem gets worse when the drinking starts at a younger age.

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